About Me

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This is just a blog where I share my ideas, thoughts, what I love, what inspires me and what's going on- Alice Phan

Monday, 7 November 2011

About me

I'm not perfect, my insecurities are my flaws. I guess my imperfection is what makes me unique as an individuals.
Elise's birthday is comming up,can't wait till I give her pressie!! :)
Not working with Natalie, sucks! :( I hope she have an outrageous journey to Vietnam ! :) <3

I was looking at one of my comment, and it says : I take photos to express how I feel..What the actual heck was I thinking???!!! HAHA
It was not what I meant, what I was trying to inform people is the passion.. Or maybe I'm just a luvo? But I don't know... I enjoy taking photos. When I look back, it'll be filled with memories and so on. Do I even make sense? :S

Sunday, 6 November 2011


-Organise pressie for that special someone ;) <3 I can't wait,I miss her already !! :( boohoo
-Call Julie asap! <3Yayyy, I miss her :(
-Buy Stereo Tix
-Work out
- Prep for formal
- Organise portfolio for Enmore Interview
- Buy clothes for the upcomming events! :)

No ones perfect, there's always a reason behind everyone's carisma which makes them who they are today:) I realised, if you're not going to like them for who they are then why do people tend to assume and cause conflicts? The best way to avoid it..is to not start it from the beginning. I believe, no ones perfect but everyone is beautiful individually <3


Sometimes, I wish people would udnerstand the shit I've been through and accept me for who I am today.