About Me

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This is just a blog where I share my ideas, thoughts, what I love, what inspires me and what's going on- Alice Phan

Monday, 7 November 2011

Not working with Natalie, sucks! :( I hope she have an outrageous journey to Vietnam ! :) <3

I was looking at one of my comment, and it says : I take photos to express how I feel..What the actual heck was I thinking???!!! HAHA
It was not what I meant, what I was trying to inform people is the passion.. Or maybe I'm just a luvo? But I don't know... I enjoy taking photos. When I look back, it'll be filled with memories and so on. Do I even make sense? :S

1 comment:

  1. I miss u too, I just typed up a craxy ass long nessage with my phone n accidently pressed back, message gone.

    I'll b short, take more ephotos, ur beautiful :) ur allowed to show it off haha

    And life here in vn has been awesome!!!
